Big brother on the consumer audit trail. As Chairman of the SEC, Gensler unleashed the ultimate “big brother” action overseeing the largest government-mandated mass collection of personal financial data in American history. Without any statutory authorization from Congress, SEC is forcing brokers, exchanges, clearing agencies and alternative trading systems to capture and send detailed information on every investor’s trades in U.S. markets to a centralized database, which SEC and private regulators can access forever (but whose security they cannot ensure).
Tag, your cow is it! Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack acted outside of his statutory authority when he issued an unlawful new rule requiring electronically readable identification (EID) ear tags for certain cattle and bison transported across state lines, rather than long-used visual tags. Vilsack was unable to provide one reason to establish the current visual tag system as inadequate. Moreover, he ignored his legal responsibility to calculate the new rule’s true cost to producers and consumers.