KGIII Matchup

Erica Williams (PCAOB)
Robert Cook (President and CEO of FINRA)

Erica Williams (PCAOB)

Peekaboo, the Star Chamber is Watching! Williams led the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) nicknamed “Peekaboo” because of its secret, unaccountable, and inherently biased prosecutorial processes. With no meaningful supervision by any government official appointed or directly removable by the President, and using funds raised by private taxes with no Congressional appropriation or oversight, PCAOB has investigated and brought countless secret prosecutions seeking to strip honest citizens of their livelihoods and impose quasi-criminal monetary penalties—without a jury trial, due process of law, an impartial adjudicator, or any constitutional accountability.

Robert Cook (President and CEO of FINRA)

No accountable executive is looking over his shoulder. As President and CEO of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Robert Cook doesn’t have much, if any, supervision by anyone accountable to the people. A private nonprofit corporation that regulates the securities industry, FINRA exercises vast executive, legislative, and adjudicatory powers without proper governmental oversight. Despite claiming not to be a “state actor,” FINRA’s activities involve significant governmental power and they are subject to little, if any, real-time supervision by the SEC. As NCLA has argued, FINRA operates in a manner that violates several constitutional rights, including the appointment, removal, due process, and jury trial requirements.

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