We never censored anyone, but if we did, we should be allowed to keep doing it! Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency chief Jen Easterly, as well as a number of other major federal agencies, pressured social media firms to censor First Amendment-protected speech. While the Supreme Court wrongly found NCLA’s clients lacked standing to stop the censorship, with limited discovery at the preliminary injunction stage, NCLA uncovered a vast censorship operation emanating from the highest levels of government, across at least a dozen agencies, and featuring well over a hundred government actors—and potentially many more that are as yet unknown.
The First Amendment doesn’t apply in New York! New York Department of Financial Services Superintendent Maria Vullo abridged the National Rifle Association’s rights to free speech and association when she threatened to punish banks and insurers via regulatory action if they kept doing business with the NRA. Forget whether you agree with the NRA on their view of the proper scope of the Second Amendment, Vullo wants the government to punish anyone who doesn’t agree with her on the subject. If you let her do it to the NRA, you’re next! With NCLA’s amicus help, the Supreme Court put an end to her abuse of the NRA.