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Arizona Supreme Court Adopts NCLA-drafted Amendment to Court Rules

September 25, 2020
Adi Dynar
  The Arizona Supreme Court took a welcome step last month by making it easier to obtain state-court stays of state-agency decisions. It adopted verbatim the NCLA-drafted amendment to court rules. The new rule is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2021. Why is the rules amendment an important reform? Here’s why. A…

Is Thunder Basin Inescapable?

September 10, 2020
In the News
Author: NCLA Legal Intern Bradley Larson It is a mainstay of the American legal system that people can bring their grievances in front of an impartial judge and obtain “equal justice under law.” However, 26 years ago, in an obscure case called Thunder Basin Coal Co. v. Reich, the Supreme Court made protecting the rights…

The Cost of CDC’s Eviction Moratorium

September 10, 2020
Jared McClaincategory_listCovid-19 Articles
  The Centers for Disease Control issued an order last week imposing a moratorium on most evictions in states that have not already enacted more-restrictive eviction bans. The order effectively creates a nationwide eviction moratorium through the end of the year. Preventing mass homelessness during a pandemic is obviously important. But the CDC’s order is…

Supreme Court of Virginia Orders Landlords to Provide Rent-Free Housing As a Consequence of COVID-19

August 28, 2020
Caleb Kruckenbergcategory_listCovid-19 Articles
  It’s become trendy to vilify landlords in the time of COVID-19, with calls for rent strikes and vocal critics accusing landlords of preying on those worst affected by the economic downturn. Of course, residential landlords often are making payments of their own on property, and, far from the stereotype, nearly half of residential landlords…

CFPB’s Joyride Is Over—It’s Time for President Trump to Take the Wheel

August 20, 2020
Michael P. DeGrandis
Yesterday, the Southern District of New York validated a (defective, IMHO) civil investigative demand (CID)—an administrative subpoena for documents and information—from NCLA’s client, the Law Offices of Crystal Moroney, P.C. It did so over a number of objections, the primary one being that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is unconstitutionally funded. It doesn’t receive…

Where Do I Go to Get My Constitutional Rights Back?

August 6, 2020
Harriet Hagemancategory_listCovid-19 Articles
On Friday the 13th of March, President Trump issued his “Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak.” In the ensuing 4 ½ months Governors across the country have used executive orders to lockdown their States, using this unprecedented situation to rewrite not only their own state statutes and constitutions…