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End the Gag Rule
For decades the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been silencing defendants with its Gag Rule. But this federal agency is not alone.

ATF Can’t Ban Your Bump Stocks
In 2019, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives rewrote the statute to outlaw bump stocks. This change in the existing law turned hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens into criminals overnight.

College Kangaroo Courts
If you study or work at a government-funded college and you are on the receiving end of a Title IX complaint, don’t expect justice to be served.

The Process Is the Punishment
SEC Hires Administrative Law Judges to Hear Their Case Against You. NCLA is fighting for Michelle Cochran to have her case heard before a federal judge, not an SEC appointed bureaucrat.

Team Reality
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a threat not only to the health and safety of Americans, but also to our way of life. Under the aegis of public safety, federal, state and local governments have violated constitutional law by implementing regulations and emergency orders by executive decree.