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The Hon. Pauline Newman v. The Hon. Kimberly A. Moore, et al.

CASE: The Hon. Pauline Newman v. The Hon. Kimberly A. Moore, et al.

STATUS: Active

NCLA ROLE: Counsel

COURTS HEARD IN: Fed. Cir., D.C. Cir.

ORIGINAL COURT: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

OPENED: April 21, 2023

AGENCIES: Judicial Council of the Federal Circuit


Due Process Violations

The due process of law guarantees a right to be held to account only through the processes of an impartial court—something administrative tribunals violate every day.

Scope of Authority / Nondelegation

The structure of the Constitution allows only Congress to legislate, only the Executive to enforce laws, and only the Judiciary to decide cases. But the Administrative State evades the Constitution’s avenues of governance when executive agencies issue regulations without statutory authorization from Congress.

Chief Judge Kimberly A. Moore of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit claimed that U.S. Circuit Judge Pauline Newman “is unable to discharge all duties of the office by reason of mental or physical disability”. Moore appointed a three-judge special committee—including herself—to investigate the matter. Without citing any legal authority and prior to the conclusion of any investigation, Chief Judge Moore removed Judge Newman from new hearing cases for an indefinite period. She also impeded Judge Newman’s access to court chambers and unilaterally decided that the judicial assistant working for Judge Newman “is no longer an employee of the Newman chambers.”  

Chief Judge Moore’s unlawful action to bar Judge Newman from carrying out the duties of her appointed office poses significant constitutional difficulties because it impinges on the Constitution’s guarantee that federal judges hold and exercise the functions of their office “during good behaviour.” Her action also violates due process of law and raises serious concerns about Chief Judge Moore’s ability to conduct this investigation impartially.  

The Hon. Pauline Newman, Plaintiff in Newman v. Moore, et al.

Mark Chenoweth
President and Chief Legal Officer
John J. Vecchione
Senior Litigation Counsel
Greg Dolin
Senior Litigation Counsel

Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Judgement on the Pleadings (ECF 45)

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Memorandum Opinion and Order of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

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Memorandum of Decision of the Comittee on Judicial Conduct and Disability

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Defendants’ Response to Plaintiff’s Surreply

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Plaintiff’s Sur-Reply

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