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The Long Conference & Beyond: What’s Next at the Supreme Court

NCLA leads the charge against the massiOur panel of expert appellate litigators discuss a few upcoming Supreme Court cases, as well as several where cert is still pending, each with profound implications on the lawless and unaccountable Administrative State.

NCLA President and General Counsel Mark Chenoweth moderates a panel of experienced appellate litigators, including NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel Russ Ryan, Rich Samp, and John Vecchione. The panel will preview CFPB v. CFSA, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, and SEC v. Jarkesy, as well as several other cases that could be granted at the Long Conference or shortly thereafter (e.g., Cargill v. Garland, Lemelson v. SEC, and Murphy, Murphy, and Gounaud v. SEC).