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Brief of Advancing American Freedom, Inc.; AFA Action; AMAC Action; American Association of Senior Citizens; American Constitutional Rights Union; American Encore; American Family Association; American Values; Americans for Limited Government; Shawnna Bolick, Arizona State Senator, District 2; Capability Consulting; Center for Independent Thought; Center for Political Renewal; Center for Urban Renewal and Education (Cure); Eagle Forum; Joann Fleming, Executive Director, Grassroots America - We the People PAC; Frontline Policy Council; Representative Steven E. Galloway, District 24, Montana House of Representatives; Charlie Gerow; Allen J. Hebert, Chairman, American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston; International Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers;; Job Creators Network Foundation Legal Action Fund; Job Creators Network; Tim Jones, Fmr. Speaker, Missouri House; Chairman, Missouri Center-Right Coalition; Men and Women for a Representative Democracy in America, Inc.; National Religious Broadcasters; New Jersey Family Foundation; New Jersey Family Policy Center; North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law; Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce; Rio Grande Foundation; Pamela S. Roberts, Immediate Past President- Kentucky Federation of Republican Women; Setting Things Right; 60 Plus Association; Stand for Georgia Values Action; Strategic Coalitions & Initiatives, LLC; Students for Life of America; Tea Party Express; Tea Party Patriots Action; The Justice Foundation; Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.; J. Michael Waller; Women for Democracy in America, Inc.; Wisconsin Family Action, Inc.; Yankee Institute; Young America’s Foundation; Young Conservatives of Texas as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs

on August 22, 2024
