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Should Agencies Disgorge Their Ill-Gotten Disgorgement Awards?

By: Russ Ryan January 12, 2023
In the News
  What happens when federal bureaucrats get caught red-handed with both fists in the private-sector cookie jar? Do they apologize and return the funds they illegally confiscated, perhaps even with interest? (Okay—stop laughing please.) Of course not. Being a federal bureaucrat means never having to say you’re sorry—or having to “disgorge” your ill-gotten loot. Two…

Petition to Amend 38 C.F.R. § 3.654(b)(2) to Correct an Inconsistency Between the Regulation and the Underlying Statutory Mandate, and to Ensure that Disabled Veterans Receive the Disability Benefits to Which They Are Entitled

By: Kara Rollins January 11, 2023
In the News
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) and the Concerned Veterans for America Foundation (CVAF) hereby petition the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to amend its regulation regarding the payment of benefits to veterans who have been adjudged eligible for disability benefits but who later return temporarily to active duty. The current regulation, 38 C.F.R.…

The White House Covid Censorship Machine

By: Jenin Younes January 10, 2023
Covid-19 Articles
Newly released documents show that the White House has played a major role in censoring Americans on social media. Email exchanges between Rob Flaherty, the White House’s director of digital media, and social-media executives prove the companies put Covid censorship policies in place in response to relentless, coercive pressure from the White House—not voluntarily. The…

The White House Covid Censorship Machine

January 8, 2023
Newly released documents show that the White House has played a major role in censoring Americans on social media. Email exchanges between Rob Flaherty, the White House’s director of digital media, and social-media executives prove the companies put Covid censorship policies in place in response to relentless, coercive pressure from the White House—not voluntarily. The…

How the Supreme Court Set the Stage for the Jan. 6 Riot

By: Philip Hamburger January 5, 2023
On the second anniversary of the invasion of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, it’s worth considering how politics—and especially presidential elections—have increasingly become like warfare. A pair of developments—one legislative, one administrative—have raised the political stakes. In the 20th century, the Supreme Court simultaneously expanded Congress’s legislative powers and allowed them to be exercised…

Is Social-Media Censorship a Crime?

By: Philip Hamburger December 13, 2022
Amid growing revelations about government involvement in social-media censorship, it’s no longer enough to talk simply about tech censorship. The problem should be understood as gov-tech censorship. The Biden White House has threatened tech companies and federal agencies have pressed them to censor disfavored opinions and users. So it’s time to ask about accountability. Will…
Trevor Schakohl
Communications Specialist
Ruslan Moldovanov
Deputy Director of Communications and Marketing
In NCLA Relentless Case, Supreme Court Overturns Chevron DeferencePress Release >>