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Examining The CDC’s COVID Response Actions: “Coercion. Deception. Censorship.”

By: Jenin Younes September 27, 2023
In June of 2022, the NIH published a study bemoaning Americans’ depleted trust in public health: “Public trust in federal government agencies has never been as important as it has been during the Covid-19 pandemic, yet public suspicions of scientific experts and levels of distruct of government institutions are increasing for a variety of reasons[.]”…

Biden’s Social-Media Censorship Harms Us All

By: Philip Hamburger September 26, 2023
The Supreme Court will decide as early as Wednesday whether to stay the lower courts’ injunction against the administration’s social-media censorship in Missouri v. Biden. One of the solicitor general’s arguments in the government’s defense is that the well-documented injuries to the plaintiffs, who were direct targets of the censorship, don’t justify a broad injunction that…

The SEC Puts Itself on Moot—Answering Justice Robert Jackson’s Eight-Decade-Old Query—Has the SEC Become a Law Unto Itself?

By: Margaret A. Little September 19, 2023
The SEC Puts Itself on Moot—Answering Justice Robert Jackson’s Eight-Decade-Old Query—Has the SEC Become a Law Unto Itself

Just Say No

By: Jenin Younes September 11, 2023
A recent uptick in COVID-19 cases, accompanied by the predictable hysterical media coverage, has spurred nationwide chatter about a possible return to pandemic restrictions, from school closures to mask mandates. This is not baseless supposition, as schools, universities, and hospital systems across the nation have recently reinstituted masking and quarantine requirements. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., recently reinstated a mask mandate in his Capitol…

I Met Judge Pauline Newman. She Proves Age Is Just a Number

September 8, 2023
When I decided to spend my summer as an intern at the New Civil Liberties Alliance, I had no idea I’d change my mind about the U.S. Constitution. But conversations with our elders have a way of changing our perspective. U.S. Circuit Judge Pauline Newman convinced me that the Framers got it right when they…

Government Speech: Who’s Responsible When the Government Lies…and People Die?

August 25, 2023
In two recent oral arguments at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, including in NCLA’s case Missouri v. Biden, the issue of government speech rights was raised. In both cases the US Government argued it has speech rights which allow it to put out messaging and communicate to the public. It further argued it is not…
Trevor Schakohl
Communications Specialist
Ruslan Moldovanov
Deputy Director of Communications and Marketing
In NCLA Relentless Case, Supreme Court Overturns Chevron DeferencePress Release >>