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Coinbase’s SEC Fight Renews Interest in ‘Grossly’ Underused Tool

…Having the ability to suggest new regulations and rule changes directly to the agency is powerful, said Kara Rollins of the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights group. Still, rulemaking petitions are a “grossly underutilized tool” across federal agencies, she said. “Part of that is because the agencies don’t substantively respond,”…
Supreme Court to Review Trump-Era Ban on Gun ‘Bump Stocks’

…Richard Samp, a lawyer with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a legal group representing Cargill, said, “ATF for many years recognized that bump-stock-equipped semi-automatic weapons are not ‘machineguns.’ Its sudden reversal can only be explained as a decision to allow political expediency to trump the rule of law.”…
US Supreme Court to Decide Legality of Federal Ban on Gun ‘Bump Stocks’

…Cargill sued to challenge the rule, which required him to surrender his two bump stocks. Attorney Richard Samp of the New Civil Liberties Alliance conservative legal group, representing Cargill, praised the court’s decision to hear the case. “ATF for many years recognized that bump stocks and semi-automatic weapons are not ‘machineguns.’ Its sudden reversal can…
A Small Fish and an Uncollected Fee Add Up to Big-Government Challenge at the Supreme Court

…Critics say an expansive reading of that provision would leave fishing businesses vulnerable to crushing fees. “Once they’ve got it fixed in the legal firmament, they can go charge whatever they want,” said John Vecchione, a lawyer with the New Civil Liberties Alliance representing a separate group of fishing businesses in New England…
Supreme Court Wades Into Social Media Wars over Free Speech

…”Many of these cases talk about how social media is the modern public square to try to convey to the justices, who may not be as familiar with social media, just how important this is in the present day and age,” said Jenin Younes, a lawyer at the New Civil Liberties Alliance who represents individual…
Newman Tells D.C. District Court Her Removal from Bench is ‘Unprecedented in American Judicial History’

…Late yesterday evening, the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA)—the firm representing U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) Judge Pauline Newman in her district court case against CAFC Chief Judge Moore and other members of the panel of the Judicial Council who are accusing Newman of being unfit to serve on the court—filed…