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Ranch group back in court with new information on USDA’s RFID mandate

Harriet Hageman, Senior Litigation Counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance, has filed a new motion in the Wyoming federal district court on behalf of R-CALF USA and ranchers Tracy and Donna Hunt and Kenny and Roxy Fox. The new motion reveals that despite the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) assurances to the court that…
Red States, Lawmakers Back Trump In Birth Control Fight

The Trump administration’s stance that American employers with “religious or moral” objections to birth control needn’t offer no-cost contraception in their health insurance plans has gotten a boost in a U.S…. Read the full article here. TweetShareShare0 Shares
Second lawsuit filed in at-sea monitoring dispute
A second lawsuit has been filed in a U.S. federal courthouse against a rule, scheduled to take effect Monday, 9 March, that would require Atlantic herring fishermen to pay for independent monitors aboard their vessels. Seafreeze Fleet LLC and two vessels it owns filed the lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Commerce, the National Oceanic…
A Possible Limit On High Court 2005 Agency Deference Ruling

Recently, Justice Clarence Thomas, the author of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in National Cable & Telecommunications Association v. Brand X Internet Services, argued that the decision should be overruled… Read the full article here. TweetShareShare0 Shares
NCLA Sues the Dept. of Commerce

The New Civil Liberties Alliance today filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Rhode Island against the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), as well as the heads of those agencies. The suit challenges the agencies’ unconstitutional and statutorily unauthorized effort…
The Need for a Clear Path: The Supreme Court Declines to Reconsider Brand X in Baldwin v. United States

Judges often advise appellate lawyers to provide in their briefs a clear path to the outcome they want. The Supreme Court of the United States recently denied review in a case that exemplified that lesson yet again. In Baldwin v. United States, No. 19–402, the petition for certiorari argued that the Court should overrule National Cable & Telecommunications Association…