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Infant Sleep Co. Says CPSC Wrongly Maligned Products
Dreamland Baby Co. is suing the Consumer Product Safety Commission and other government agencies in D.C. federal court, alleging that the CPSC broke its own rules when a “rogue” commissioner told retailers that its infant weighted sleep products were dangerous…
Crabbers sue US state of Washington over GPS surveillance of vessels
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit public interest law firm, has sued the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on behalf of the state’s crabbers over its electronic monitoring of Dungeness crab fishing vessels, arguing that the program is unconstitutional. “The desire of agencies to always know a regulated party’s…
NCLA Challenges Washington State's GPS Monitoring of Crab Fishermen in Court
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) has filed a lawsuit against the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Electronic Monitoring Program. This program uses GPS tech to track the location and movements of every state-licensed boat fishing for Coastal Dungeness crab, regardless of whether it is actively fishing or not. The NCLA said the program is sustained by making…
Groups ask USDA to wait on ID rule
The New Civil Liberties Alliance and the American Livestock Markets and Dealers Association, on Nov. 4, 2024, both asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to delay implementation of the Animal Disease Traceability rule that requires breeding cattle and bison moving interstate, and bangs vaccinated heifers to be tagged with an electronically readable/radio frequency (RFID) button…
Judge Forces Feds To Reveal More Evidence Of Social Media Censorship
More internal government communications will soon be revealed in a high-profile censorship case that already hit the U.S. Supreme Court, thanks to a Friday court ruling in Missouri v. Biden. The historic free speech case uncovered that federal officials, all the way up to President Joe Biden, pressured social media companies to remove specific posts and…