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NCLA client Clark Aposhian discusses his lawsuit against ATF's unconstitutional ban on bump stocks

December 7, 2020
NCLA client, Clark Aposhian is challenging ATFs ban on bumpstocks in the case Aposhian v. Barr. May a federal agency rewrite a federal statute? May that rewrite turn otherwise innocent Americans into criminals? Those questions are what this case is about. A federal statute bars Americans from owning machine guns but does not preclude them…

The looming eviction crisis

December 6, 2020
Rick Brown is not Jennifer Pierson’s landlord. He does own eight similar properties in Winchester, Va., mainly single-family homes in roughly the same price range as Pierson’s. He tries to maintain those homes himself. He said half of his tenants aren’t paying their rent now. Read the full article TweetShareShare0 Shares

IRS Seeks Dismissal of Cryptocurrency Records Seizure Lawsuit

December 4, 2020
The courts aren’t allowed to rule on a lawsuit alleging that the IRS’s seizure of cryptocurrency records was unconstitutional, the IRS said in a motion to have the case tossed. New Hampshire resident James Harper, in a lawsuit filed in July and amended in August, alleged that the IRS conducted an unconstitutional search and seizure when it issued…

Free People Don't Social Distance Themselves From Civil Liberties During a Pandemic, Mike Degrandis

December 3, 2020
NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel, Michael DeGrandis joins The Answer on Philadelphia’s AM 990 with Chris Stigall to address the issue of government overreach during the pandemic with executive orders that are trampling over our civil rights under the auspices of a pandemic. DeGrandis represents petitioners in the case of Desrosiers v Baker.   TweetShareShare0 Shares

The NLRB’s Humorless Insensibility

December 2, 2020
The text of the National Labor Relations Act does not, so far as we can tell, require the National Labor Relations Board or its personnel to have their sense of humor surgically removed. Nor does it prohibit the NLRB’s judicial proceedings from considering context, common sense, or elementary reality in making decisions. But you could…

SJC Told High Court's Church Ruling Nixes Mass. Virus Rules

December 1, 2020
A group challenging COVID-19 rules in Massachusetts told the state’s top court that the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down restrictions on New York church gatherings overrides legal precedent relied on by Gov. Charlie Baker. In a supplemental brief on Saturday, the New Civil Liberties Alliance argued to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that the view from the…