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High Court Won't Take Fresh Look At Chevron Deference

October 5, 2020
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review a decision upholding reduced Medicaid reimbursement for children’s hospitals, turning away a chance to revisit the so-called Chevron deference — the longstanding practice of having judges defer to reasonable agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes. In a brief order, the high court voted not to scrutinize a…

Biz Groups Weigh In On High Court Case Over FTC Restitution

October 2, 2020
Free-market think tanks urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday to curtail the Federal Trade Commission’s traditional reliance on monetary sanctions as a weapon against bad marketplace behavior, including consumer fraud and anti-competitive conduct. Justices will soon hear oral arguments in two paired cases from the Seventh and Ninth Circuits in order to tackle a…

Nevada Landlords Join National Lawsuit Against Trump COVID Anti-Eviction Executive Order

October 2, 2020
An executive order recently signed into effect by U.S. President Donald Trump that prevents evictions until December 31 for Americans directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenged by a lawsuit filed in federal court. The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a public interest pro bono law firm, has filed the suit on behalf of…

NCLA Rebuttal: The Case Against COVID Emergency

October 1, 2020
On the Keller at Large MASSter List podcast, Jon Keller recently shared his personal hot-take on the Desrosiers v. Baker case that I argued before the Supreme Judicial Court on September 11th. Quoting a character from Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist who famously declared “the law is an ass,” Mr. Keller said, “sometimes that applies to…

Marco Island City Council candidates talk rentals, water quality, police ahead of election

October 1, 2020
Marco Island residents will vote Nov. 3 to fill four City Council seats. A candidate for a fifth seat is running unopposed and will be automatically elected. The election could mean that at least three, possibly four, newcomers become part of the seven-member council. Councilors Charlette Roman and Howard Reed decided not to seek re-election and Councilor Larry Honig can’t run again due to…

Caleb Kruckenberg on The Mike Schikman Show regarding the CDC case

September 30, 2020     TweetShareShare0 Shares