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Musk’s Tesla Union Tweet Sets Up Speech Clash at Fifth Circuit

January 24, 2024
… People like Musk are the only ones who can afford to fight the government over a single tweet, but the impact of the case “goes far beyond Elon Musk,” said Kara Rollins, an attorney with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which filed an amicus brief backing Tesla. “This is really about fundamental First Amendment interests in…

SEC ‘Gag Orders’ at Risk as Skeptical Court Takes Up Challenge

January 24, 2024
… “We view this as one of the biggest, clearest First Amendment breaches by an agency that’s ever been done,” said Kara Rollins, an attorney with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which represents Novinger and his company, ICAN Investment Group LLC… The policy is unusual among federal regulators—only the Commodity Futures Trading Commission insists on…

Fishermen await Supreme Court rulings that could change the regulatory authority of federal agencies

January 20, 2024
… The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), a nonprofit civil rights organization, is representing three fishing companies: Relentless Inc., Huntress Inc. and Seafreeze Fleet LLC… “On a daily basis, before you leave the dock, you have to tell the government what you’re going to fish for. You have a government ankle bracelet on your boat called…

Sense Of Duty Drives GC To Take On 'Administrative State'

January 18, 2024
Zhonette Brown grew up on a farm in Nebraska, where she says she absorbed the values of accountability, self-sufficiency, and duty to one’s family and community…

Supreme Court hears fishermen’s challenge that could upend agency powers

January 17, 2024
… On the Washington D.C. courthouse steps after the hearing, Meghan Lapp, fisheries liaison at Seafreeze Ltd. In Point Judith, R.I., the homeport of Relentless, said the protests wound their way through fisheries council meetings and NMFS officials to no avail. So fishermen went to court – and appealed the earlier decisions against them. “I was…

Fishermen head to Supreme Court to cast Chevron overboard

January 17, 2024
… Representing the New Jersey fishermen will be veteran attorney Paul Clement, a former solicitor general under the Bush administration. Another lawsuit brought by fishermen based in Rhode Island will be argued by attorneys for the New Civil Liberties Alliance… “Overruling Chevron is overdue,” said Mark Chenoweth, president of NCLA. “Many administrative state pathologies can be traced…