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Gulf boat operators allege high-tech fisheries monitoring violates their constitutional rights

July 7, 2021
Charter vessel operators in the Gulf of Mexico are suing federal regulators for allegedly violating their constitutional rights through a fisheries-monitoring program that mandates 24-hour electronic surveillance of the boats. The nonprofit New Civil Liberties Alliance helped to file the class action lawsuit in the Eastern District of Louisiana against officials at the National Oceanic…

D.C. Circuit rejects Cato Institute lawsuit over SEC 'gag' rule

July 6, 2021
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said a Libertarian think tank cannot block the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from enforcing settlements that ban defendants from denying the agency’s claims. Read the full article TweetShareShare0 Shares

Unreported: New Civil Liberties Alliance notches wins against ‘unlawful power’ of bureaucracies

July 5, 2021
One winning force in the fight against the Left’s relentless assault on freedom is a group taking aim at the unconstitutional abuses of federal and state bureaucracies. Several victories have been won in recent weeks against the leftist axis of Team Biden, Big Tech and Big Media. Needless to say, the Social and Corporate Media…

Challenge to CPSC Rule Over Access to Standard Filed Too Late

July 2, 2021
A consumer can’t pursue her bid for free access to a full industry standard on infant bath seats that was incorporated into government safety regulations because she didn’t file her challenge early enough, the D.C. Circuit ruled Friday. Published by Bloomberg Law TweetShareShare0 Shares

The Hamburger Court

July 2, 2021
What in the world are historians going to call this Supreme Court? Chief Justice Roberts has been so all over the map, ideologically, that it would be hard to call it the “Roberts Court.” They could try the “Thomas Court,” after the towering conservative who is its longest-serving justice. Or maybe the “Post-Ginsburg Court” after…

NCLA Explains Why ‘Voluntary’ Vaccine Passport Programs Are Coercive

July 2, 2021
The Globe this week attended a panel discussion by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and a panel of experts to discuss vaccine passports. With California Gov. Gavin Newsom continuing to claim he isn’t requiring vaccine passports in the state, he has instituted a Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record at a state website called “ This is a serious topic with private…