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Police agencies are using drones to enforce stay-at-home orders, raising concerns among civil rights groups

May 3, 2020
“This is the Daytona Beach Police Department. We apologize for the inconvenience, but due to COVID-19, this park is currently closed.” So says a drone with a loud speaker attached to its top. The coronavirus pandemic has forced police departments in the country and around the globe to fundamentally change the way they enforce laws. Police…

Ben Domenech on The Ben Shapiro Show: Discussing the Joel Fleming v. FDRLST Media, LLC case

April 30, 2020
Ben Domenech, the co-founder and publisher of The Federalist, comments on the recent developments in the Joel Fleming v. FDRLST Media, LLC case.   TweetShareShare0 Shares

Mark Chenoweth on The Fred Holland Show: NLRB has erroneously interpreted the governing statute

April 30, 2020
NCLA Executive Director and General Counsel, Mark Chenoweth, comments on the recent developments in the Joel Fleming v. FDRLST Media, LLC case.       TweetShareShare0 Shares

Groups File Petition to End SEC Crackdown on 12b-1 Fees

April 29, 2020
Four industry and public interest groups filed a petition of rulemaking with the Securities and Exchange Commission Wednesday to end what they see as the agency’s “backdoor regulation” of 12b-1-fees. “It is time for the SEC to stop its troubling, ongoing trend of backdoor regulation, or regulation by enforcement,” said Dale Brown, president and CEO of the…

FSI Hits SEC for 'Regulation by Enforcement

April 29, 2020
The Securities and Exchange Commission should end its policies of “regulation by enforcement,” according to a new petition from the Financial Services Institute and several other advocacy organizations. In the petition, they argue the SEC’s Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative regarding fees for high-cost mutual fund share classes unfairly subjects brokers to de facto rules…

Big Labor’s Employer Gag Order

April 29, 2020
Ben Domenech, a right-of-center political commentator and publisher of The Federalist, thought he was having some clean fun when, in response to Vox Media taking steps to counter a union contract campaign, he tweeted a facetious statement telling his employees he would send them “back to the salt mine” if they tried to organize a…