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Big Brother grows alarmingly bigger, one automated license-plate reader at a time

February 29, 2020
Once upon a time, America was free. Now, it’s not so free. And this story out of Coral Gables, Florida, about a man’s court fight to rid his community of a privacy-dinging, constitutionally questionable automated license plate reader program, helps explain why. Read the full article here.    TweetShareShare0 Shares

Big Brother Grows Bigger, Bold & Blunt Podcast

February 27, 2020
OK, so we all know we live in a surveillance society nowadays — or do we? Caleb Kruckenberg is an attorney who’s litigating a case against automated license plate readers. And you will not believe what the government’s doing now. This is one of the most important court cases to come. I’ve got the scoop,…

Harriet Hageman on CSC Talk Radio: USDA has backed down, but we are not out of the woods yet

February 27, 2020
Harriet Hageman, NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel, warns that even though USDA withdrew the unlawful Factsheet requiring to tag cattle with RFID technologies, the internal practices which had led to the controversial requirements in the first place should be probed for violation of the Administrative Procedure Act and Federal Advisory Committee Act.     TweetShareShare0 Shares

Disease Traceability: Where It Starts and Stops

February 27, 2020
Initiating a conversation about RFID is nearly as combustible as broaching your opinion about universal healthcare – at Thanksgiving dinner at your new in-laws who do not share your political affiliation.  It leaves an edge in the air that makes any meal fairly unpalatable. Read the full article here. TweetShareShare0 Shares

CFPB Accused of Unlawful Funding Practices

February 27, 2020
According to a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) is alleging that Congress unlawfully divested its legislative appropriations power when it gave CFPB the ability to draw funding directly from the Federal Reserve, without annual appropriations from Congress and without oversight…

Mark Chenoweth on One America News: The state prosecutorial resources are up for sale

February 26, 2020
NCLA Executive Director & General Counsel, Mark Chenoweth, describes the situation where the employees in state attorney general offices are paid by a private organization or individual as a violation of the due process requirement.   TweetShareShare0 Shares