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SEC Gag Rule Under Attack Again. Are Its Days Numbered?

Nearly 16 years ago, former Xerox Corp. chief financial officer Barry Romeril was among six executives at the company who settled fraud charges with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission without admitting or denying guilt. Now, Romeril wants the public to hear his side of the story. But in order to speak out about what happened, Romeril…
Utahan Appealing Bump Stock Ban Can’t Keep Device

A 10th Circuit panel decided Tuesday to deny a man’s request to keep his bump stock while his appeal over the federal government’s ban on the firearm device is heard. Chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council W. Clark Aposhian sued the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in January after the Trump administration…
Meet the only person in the US who can legally own a bump stock

Clark Aposhian added a bump stock to his firearms collection about a year before a gunman using the devices, which let semi-automatic weapons fire more rapidly, killed nearly five dozen people at a Las Vegas music festival. Today, the 54-year-old gun lobbyist is the only person in the U.S. legally allowed to own one. The…
This Utah gun lobbyist is the only man in America who can legally own a bump stock. He’s fighting in court to keep it — even though he thinks it is lame.

Update: This story has been updated to reflect that the U.S. Supreme Court recently denied a gun rights group request to keep their bump stocks, meaning Clark Aposhian is likely the only person in the country who now legally owns one of the shooting accessories. Clark Aposhian is the only man in American who can…
Austin gun rights activist sues ATF over bump stock ban
A local gun store owner and gun rights activist has filed a lawsuit against the ATF because of the bump stock ban. The federal ban follows a December decision by the U.S. Department of Justice. Bump stock owners were given 90 days to comply by destroying or turning in the devices, but that period ends…