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Biden’s End-of-Pandemic Remark Affects COVID Cases

October 13, 2022
…“When Biden says these sorts of things, the litigants do put them in their briefs,” said John Vecchione, senior counsel with New Civil Liberties Alliance. “Nobody wants to be the government attorney to go before a court and say there is an emergency when the president said otherwise.”…Read the full article

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Cases Over Trump-era ‘Bump Stock’ Bans

October 3, 2022
…An attorney at New Civil Liberties Alliance, a group representing Texas-based advocate Michael Cargill, told the Washington Examiner that the matter at issue in the Fifth Circuit case is not the Second Amendment but if bump stocks qualify as illegal “machine guns” under federal law…Read the full article

Emergency Rule Emergency? How Authorities Are Invoking Crises to Exercise Unprecedented Power

September 30, 2022
…”Administrative agencies use the issue of the day to do what they wanted to do anyway,” said John Vecchione, senior litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance. “With student loans, they’re trying to get more juice out of COVID. They’re going to try anything to do what they wanted to do anyway, then address…

MyPillow, Bump Stocks, Filter Teams: Supreme Court Justices Return To Deliberate Petitions

September 28, 2022
…While the issue is not technically a Second Amendment case, an attorney at New Civil Liberties Alliance told the Washington Examiner that the matter at issue is whether bump stocks qualify as illegal “machine guns” under federal law…Read the full article

Cleveland County Wage Dispute Could Strike Blow Against Administrative State

September 27, 2022
…The local government appealed to the nation’s highest court in June. That appeal attracted attention from the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a group founded “to challenge multiple constitutional defects in the modern administrative state.”…Read the full article

The Orange River Seen ‘Round the World - Will the EPA Finally be Held Accountable?

September 23, 2022
The headwaters of the Animas River begin in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. The confluence of streams—Mineral Creek, Cement Creek, and the Upper Animas—define the Upper Animas River basin. The river basin contains hundreds of inactive or abandoned mines. Among them is the Gold King Mine, located on the slope of Bonita Peak.…