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Civil Liberties Group Supports Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana in ARPA Suit

October 4, 2021
The New Civil Liberties Alliance filed an amicus brief with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division, in support of the Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana attorneys general in the states’ dispute with the U.S. Treasury Department over a provision in the American Rescue Plan Act (P.L. 117-2) that limits the state…

Ordering Private Companies to Impose Vaccine Mandates Is Completely Unconstitutional

October 1, 2021
NCLA Litigation Counsel Jenin Younes joins “O’Connor & Company” on WMAL to discuss natural immunity to COVID-19 and NCLA’s cases against George Mason University and Michigan State University and their vaccine mandates. TweetShareShare0 Shares

The Legality of Employer and Government Enforced Vaccine Mandates

September 29, 2021
As governments and employers across the U.S. expand the use of vaccination mandates for their employees, a debate has broken out as to how far such restrictions can go. Ian Carleton Schaefer, the chair of Loeb & Loeb’s New York employment and labor practice, and Jenin Younes, a litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties…

Court Upholds SEC ‘Gag Rule’ for Executives Who Settle

September 28, 2021
…In a statement, the New Civil Liberties Alliance said it would continue to challenge the SEC’s restriction on future challenges. “NCLA is committed to end this anomalous practice that dangerously insulates SEC from criticism by those in the best position to point out flaws in the agency’s enforcement practices,” it said. Read the full article…

Government Is Interfering in What Should Be Personal Health Decisions People Make With Their Doctor

September 28, 2021
NCLA Litigation Counsel Jenin Younes joins “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News to discuss naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19 and NCLA’s cases against George Mason University and Michigan State University and their vaccine mandates. TweetShareShare0 Shares

2nd Circuit Rejects Ex-Xerox Exec’s Challenge To Gag Order

September 27, 2021
Former Xerox executive Barry Romeril can’t ditch his agreement not to deny accounting fraud allegations as part of a settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Monday. U.S. Circuit Court Judge Denny Chin wrote for the three-judge panel that Romeril waived his right to publicly…