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Industry Reacts to the Supreme Court’s Arthrex Ruling: Chaos Averted – or Just Delayed?

June 21, 2021
The Supreme Court issued a split 5-4 decision earlier today, in which a plurality of the Court agreed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) that the structure of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) under the America Invents Act (AIA) has resulted in Administrative Patent Judges (APJs) being unconstitutionally appointed…

We Still Can Bring Civil Liberties Lawsuits and Establish Precedent Against Lockdowns

June 20, 2021
  NCLA Litigation Counsel Jenin Younes joins “Save the Nation” on Newsmax TV to discuss Governor Cuomo’s abuse of power, violations of civil liberties in New York, and whether it is possible to establish a legal precedent against lockdowns for the future. TweetShareShare0 Shares

Philip Hamburger on Court Packing

June 20, 2021
During the 2020 election campaign, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party floated the idea of “court packing” — adding Justices to the Supreme Court. The call for court reform was a response to Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination following the death of Justice Ruther Bader Ginsburg. Fast forward to April 15, 2021. Congress has introduced legislation that…

Is the Federal Ban on Evictions Expiring Too Soon? It Depends Who You Ask

June 18, 2021
Whether you’re a renter or a real estate investor, you probably have intense feelings about the upcoming end to the federal government’s ban on evictions. On June 30, the eviction moratorium put in place last September by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will expire. Various estimates put the number of renters who are behind…

CDC’s Unlawful Eviction Moratorium Puts Problem Squarely on Shoulders of Property Owners

June 18, 2021
    NCLA Litigation Counsel Caleb Kruckenberg joins “The Steve Gruber Show” on 1240 WJIM to discuss NCLA’s case against CDC’s unlawful eviction moratorium. The unlawful order, meant to curb the spread of Covid-19, has hit mom-and-pop housing providers across the country particularly hard, as they struggle to pay the mortgages and taxes related to…

Strong Due Process Protections Are Essential for the Protection of Vulnerable Campus Groups

June 17, 2021
Former James Madison University faculty member and speech coach Alyssa Reid was accused by her former female partner of a “non-consensual relationship.” Reid eventually was held responsible for violating the university’s Title IX policy. Read the full article TweetShareShare0 Shares