Cyber Officials May Have to Testify About Alleged Social Media Collusion
…Plaintiffs hailed the decision from Doughty, who was nominated by Trump, as a victory that demonstrated the importance of their case. “I’m very pleased with it,” Jenin Younes, litigation counsel at the nonprofit New Civil Liberties Alliance that joined the case, told me. “High-ranking federal officials are generally shielded from having to give depositions. But exceptions are made for circumstances like these where nobody else would have the information.”…
…Plaintiffs hailed the decision from Doughty, who was nominated by Trump, as a victory that demonstrated the importance of their case. “I’m very pleased with it,” Jenin Younes, litigation counsel at the nonprofit New Civil Liberties Alliance that joined the case, told me. “High-ranking federal officials are generally shielded from having to give depositions. But exceptions are made for circumstances like these where nobody else would have the information.”…Read the full article
October 25, 2022

Originally Published in The Washington Post