Groups ask USDA to wait on ID rule
The New Civil Liberties Alliance and the American Livestock Markets and Dealers Association, on Nov. 4, 2024, both asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to delay implementation of the Animal Disease Traceability rule that requires breeding cattle and bison moving interstate, and bangs vaccinated heifers to be tagged with an electronically readable/radio frequency (RFID) button tag…
The NCLA had this to say, “The NCLA respectfully requests that if the USDA and APHIS do not postpone the effective date of the EID Final Rule that this request be construed as a petition to amend the EID Final Rule and delay the effective date of the rule for 180 days, until May 4, 2025.
The NCLA filed a lawsuit on behalf of R-CALF USA, the South Dakota Stockgrowers and three ranch families, alleging that the USDA Disease Traceability Rule is illegal and unnecessary…
November 15, 2024

Originally Published in The Fence Post