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Irreparable Harm Caused by the CDC’s Lawless Eviction Moratorium

May 12, 2021


NCLA Litigation Counsel Caleb Kruckenberg joins “The Liberty Hour” with Shaun Thompson on AM 560 The Answer to discuss the CDC’s unlawful eviction moratorium and NCLA’s upcoming oral argument in Brown v. CDC.

Key points:

• NCLA is challenging the authority of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to impose a nationwide “eviction moratorium.”

• The order is devastating to small-time home providers who still have to pay mortgages, utilities, and other normal expenses. The CDC has picked winners and losers. If you own property and rent it out, the pandemic is now your problem.

• NCLA has oral argument in Brown v. CDC on Friday, May 14th. If the Eleventh Circuit Court sides with NCLA, this would be the first time a Court of Appeals decides that this agency action is illegal.

Read more about this case here.

In NCLA Relentless Case, Supreme Court Overturns Chevron DeferencePress Release >>