
The Student-Loan Suspension Is Also Illegal

The Student-Loan Suspension Is Also Illegal

The Biden administration’s attempt to forgive $400 billion in outstanding student loan debt through administrative fiat has come under richly deserved fire, with its fate now in the hands of the Supreme Court. But an equally unlawful companion giveaway has thus far...

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The CFPB Is on Life Support

The CFPB Is on Life Support

The Supreme Court in late February granted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) request to review Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, a constitutional challenge to CFPB’s funding structure. CFPB’s...

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The White House Covid Censorship Machine

Is Social-Media Censorship a Crime?

Amid growing revelations about government involvement in social-media censorship, it’s no longer enough to talk simply about tech censorship. The problem should be understood as gov-tech censorship. The Biden White House has threatened tech companies and federal...

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