Seimi Chu
Seimi Chu
Summer Law Clerk
Law School: Duke Law School
Hometown: New York, NY
Campus Activities: Director of Lawyer on the Line, Duke Law Ambassador
What were your duties as an NCLA clerk? I conducted research on administrative law topics, supported attorneys with ongoing cases, and examined potential cases that NCLA was considering taking on.
What did you most enjoy about your clerkship? I enjoyed the mentorship I received at NCLA. The attorneys at NCLA provided great support and advice to their mentees, and it was a wonderful experience to assist the attorneys with projects they were passionate about.
What interesting thing(s) did you learn about Administrative Law? Administrative law is evolving, highlighting the complexities and impact it has on our society, as seen with the Chevron Doctrine. It was incredible to be a part of NCLA’s instrumental role in overturning the Chevron Doctrine.
How might you use what you’ve learned later in your professional career? I learned that the work I was doing is having a real-world impact through cases. NCLA provided me with an experience that I will cherish as I pursue my career as an attorney working with clients.
Any advice for other students who want to clerk at NCLA in the future? The lessons from your legal analysis, research, and writing class will be of great use during your clerkship at NCLA! This class has taught me a great deal, and I have used these skills when working with attorneys on projects at NCLA.
NCLA Clerks
Ivan Tseng
Summer Clerk
Benjamin Sutter
Summer Clerk
Alexander Phipps
Summer Clerk
Andrew Meyer
Summer Clerk
Benjamin Marsh
Summer Clerk
Logan Markle
Summer Clerk
Alex Kagan
Summer Clerk
Erik Gordon
Summer Clerk
Lucy Collins
Summer Clerk
Alexandra Walsh
Summer Clerk
Alexis Vocatura
Summer Clerk
Jessica Moeller
Summer Clerk
Eli Burstein
Summer Clerk
Varun Mandgi
Summer Clerk
Matthew Lambertson
Summer Clerk
Andrew Ceonzo
Summer Clerk
Ben Ogilvie
Summer Clerk
Joseph Partain
Summer Clerk
Randy Quarles
Summer Clerk
Tiffany Pettus
Spring Intern
Nick Chesrown
Summer Clerk
Robert Fellner
Summer Clerk
Sanat Mehta
Summer Clerk
Tahmineh Dehbozorgi
Summer Clerk
Stephen Hirschbuehler
Summer Clerk
Kyle Atwood
Summer Clerk
Emily Johnson
Summer Clerk
Lacey Frederick
Summer Clerk
Daniel Whalen
Summer Clerk
Abigail Schwartz
Summer Clerk
Jonathan Nicastro
Spring Engagement Intern
David Ahnen
Summer Clerk
Nathan Darmon
Summer Intern
Jameson Payne
Summer Intern
Zachary Mullinax
Summer Clerk
Matthew Chisholm
Summer Intern | Engagement Intern
Robert McLeod
Summer Clerk
Rebekah Salas Mercer
Spring Clerk
David Gonzalez
Spring Clerk
Nathaniel Lawson
Summer Clerk
Andreia Trifoi
Summer Clerk
Samuel Renner
Summer Clerk
Zoie Mestayer
Summer Clerk
Christian Clase
Summer Clerk
Bradley Davis
Summer Clerk
Lauren Renslow
Summer Clerk
Bradley Larson
Summer Clerk
Bryan Poellot
Summer Clerk
Jillian Stern
Summer Clerk
Andrew Klee
Summer Clerk
Tabitha Kempf
Summer Clerk
Tate Curington
Summer Clerk
Isaiah McKinney
Summer Clerk
Andrew Lee
Summer Clerk
Haley Connor
Summer Clerk
Gelane Diamond
Summer Clerk
Ethan Beck
Summer Clerk
Jake Altik
Summer Clerk
Aaron Gordon
Summer Clerk
Jay Schaefer
Summer Clerk
Madeleine Case
Summer Clerk
Chris Parker
Spring Clerk