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Nathan Darmon

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School Columbia University & Sciences Po Paris Dual Degree

Season Summer 2022

Nathan Darmon

Summer Intern

University: Columbia University & Sciences Po Paris Dual Degree

Expected Graduation: 2025

Hometown: Paris, France

Campus Activities: Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, European Law Student Association, Sciences Po Debate Society, Sciences Po Political Philosophy Society

What were your duties as an NCLA intern? Doing case research for the brief bank, writing blog posts related to administrative law, helping to organize NCLA events, organizing case documents and amicus briefs.

What did you most enjoy about your internship? NCLA is a bastion of intellectual exploration and legal curiosity. Everyone around is always eager to discuss new cases or theories and there are endless opportunities to dive deeper into areas of the law you knew nothing about. Seeing firsthand how cutting-edge litigation happens is of course fantastic, but I think working within a small firm is uniquely advantageous because of the personal relations between every employee which might be harder to find in larger, more hierarchized places.

What interesting thing(s) did you learn about Administrative Law? I learned about administrative trials and their endless unconstitutional provisions, from unappointed and hardly removable judges to the mandatory gag orders shielding them from public criticism.

How might you use what you’ve learned later in your professional career? As a student interested in public-interest constitutional litigation I can’t wait to see how I can further apply some knowledge I have learned at NCLA at law school and beyond. There were also many networking opportunities which provided key opportunities to get the advice of students and professionals that I admired and get their hindsight. Attending NCLA’s speaker series, such as Wine & Cheesed, also presented a great way to discover points of view I would have certainly not heard from otherwise. Lastly, I am sure that getting practice using LexisPlus and other legal research tool will remain a useful asset for the rest of my legal education.

NCLA Clerks

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Andrew Meyer

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Benjamin Marsh

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Logan Markle

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George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School

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Alex Kagan

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The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law

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Erik Gordon

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Lucy Collins

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Alexandra Walsh

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Alexis Vocatura

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Seimi Chu

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