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Your search for Press Releases found 555 posts.

NCLA Appeals District Court Ruling Allowing Government to Unlawfully Track Gulf Charter Vessels

Washington, DC (March 3, 2022) – The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana has denied the Motion for Summary Judgment filed by over 1,300 federally permitted charter boat owners in the class-action lawsuit, Mexican Gulf Fishing Company, et al. v. NOAA, et al., and granted the Government’s motion to allow a Final…

NCLA Backs SCOTUS Case Seeking to Resolve Circuit Split on Interp of Federal Civil Proc. Rule 60(b)

Washington, DC (March 2, 2022) – Yesterday, the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, filed an amicus brief in Kemp v. United States, a case before the Supreme Court challenging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit’s interpretation of rules allowing courts to correct judgments for legal error. Contrary…

Class-Action Plaintiffs in Fed. Employee Vaccine Mandate Case File Amicus Brief in Fifth Circuit Appeal

Washington, DC (February 24, 2022) – Plaintiffs from NCLA’s class-action lawsuit, James Joseph Rodden, et al. v. Dr. Anthony Fauci, et al., have submitted a brief amici curiae in a similar case seeking to overturn the Federal Employee Vaccine Mandate. Class representatives argue in the brief that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth…

MI District Court Ruling Keeps MSU Vaccine Mandate in Place, NCLA Plans Appeal to Sixth Circuit

Washington, DC (February 23, 2022) – On Tuesday, Judge Paul Maloney of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan granted Michigan State University’s (MSU) Motion to Dismiss the class-action lawsuit, Norris, et al. v. Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., et al., ruling that the school acted rationally in enforcing its vaccination policy. The…

NCLA Supports Cert. Petition Seeking Procedural Protections for Accused in Collegiate Title IX Cases

Washington, DC (February 18, 2022) – As part of its efforts to enforce Title IX, the U.S. Department of Education has routinely pressured schools to deny due process to the accused in sexual-misconduct investigations. The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil liberties group, filed an amicus brief today in support of Jane Doe’s…

NCLA Contests Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Challenging Vague CT Rule Regulating Attorneys’ Speech

Washington, DC (February 17, 2022) – Today, the New Civil Liberties Alliance filed a response to the Connecticut Statewide Bar Counsel and the Chair of the Statewide Grievance Committee’s Motion to Dismiss our lawsuit on behalf of two Connecticut-licensed attorneys who say their speech is being chilled. Mario Cerame and Timothy Moynahan have challenged Rule…
Joe Martyak
Senior Director of Communications and Marketing
Trevor Schakohl
Communications Specialist