Press Releases
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Your search for Press Releases found 599 posts.
Watch: Suing the Censors – NCLA Lawsuits Challenge Government-Directed Social Media Censorship
Washington, DC (December 19, 2022) – A video released by the New Civil Liberties Alliance exposes backdoor dealings between federal officials and Big Tech to censor the private speech of Americans. Public statements, emails, and recently released documents establish that senior officials from the White House and at least eleven federal agencies and sub-agencies, including…
Rhode Island Herring Fishermen Encourage Supreme Court Review of NMFS’s at-Sea Monitor Rule
Washington, DC (December 16, 2022) – Relentless Inc., Huntress Inc., and Seafreeze Fleet LLC, corporations operating in the herring fishery off the coast of New England, have filed an amicus curiae brief in support of Loper Bright Enterprises’ petition for a writ of certiorari in Loper Bright Enterprises, et al. v. Raimondo, et al. These Rhode Island small businesses urge the Supreme Court…
VIDEO: NCLA Holiday Parody Takes Digs at EPA’s Role in Causing Gold King Mine Environ. Disaster
Washington, DC (December 12, 2022) – The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) inexcusable actions near Silverton, Colorado directly caused one of the largest environmental catastrophes ever created by the federal government. The very bureaucrats who were supposed to protect the environment instead destroyed it with their arrogance and incompetence. To make matters worse, in the wake of…
NCLA Condemns Federal Trade Commission’s Inclusion of Untrue Claims in Federal Court Complaint
Washington, DC (December 6, 2022) – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in its initial filing before the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, has falsely accused Precision Patient Outcomes, Inc. (PPO) and CEO Margrett Lewis of unlawfully marketing and selling a dietary supplement called COVID Resist. The problem for FTC is PPO and Ms. Lewis never…
NCLA Amicus Brief Takes on SEC’s Arbitrary Calculations of Civil Penalties in Enforcement Cases
Washington, DC (November 30, 2022) – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced record-breaking enforcement results, boasting a staggering $4.2 billion in civil penalties imposed during just the past fiscal year—the agency’s “highest on record.” It did so by using putatively “civil” law enforcement powers to seek and impose severe financial penalties—calculated using arbitrary and inconsistent multipliers—against American citizens…
NCLA Sixth Circuit Appeal Asks Court to Halt Government-Directed Social Media Censorship
Washington, DC (November 29, 2022) – Biden Administration officials, including some within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), have violated the First Amendment by directing social media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s Covid-19 messaging. The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, appealed Changizi, et al. v. HHS, et…
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