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Your search for Press Releases found 554 posts.

NCLA Satirical Tweet Case Against NLRB Garners Strong Amicus Support over Free Speech Concerns

Washington, DC (March 31, 2020) – Liberty-minded organizations, distinguished civil liberties activists, including former ACLU president Nadine Strossen, and prominent entertainers, Penn and Teller, are among the amici curiae who have filed briefs in support of the arguments presented by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group in the satirical tweet case, FDRLST Media v.…

NCLA Amicus Brief Argues District Courts May Hear Constitutional Claims Against Federal Agencies

Washington, DC (March 25, 2021) – The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) enforcement proceedings are unconstitutionally structured, and Axon, a maker of body cameras for law enforcement use, is entitled to raise its constitutional objections in front of an Article III court before enduring the agency’s internal—costly, multi-year, and almost certainly futile—adjudicative process. Today’s amicus brief filed by the New…

Victory! Second Circuit Refuses to Make Landlords Liable for Tenant-on-Tenant Racial Harassment

Washington, DC (March 25, 2021) – NCLA is celebrating today’s 7-5 en banc ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to vacate a flawed panel decision and dismiss the complaint in the case Donahue Francis v. Kings Park Manor, Inc., et al. The court’s decision on narrow grounds correctly interpreted the scope of the statutes, held the plaintiff…

NCLA to Appeal NJ District Judge’s Refusal to Apply Contracts Clause to Protect Housing Providers

Washington, DC (March 24, 2021) –  The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey dismissed a complaint this week in Matthew Johnson, et al. v. Philip D. Murphy, challenging Governor Murphy’s Executive Order No. 128 (EO 128), which allows residential tenants to use their security deposits to offset their unpaid rent. Monday’s ruling, by U.S. District Judge Noel L. Hillman, declared…

District Court Ruling Would Permit IRS to Violate Constitutional Rights with Impunity

Washington, DC (March 23, 2021) – Today, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire granted the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) motion to dismiss the case of James Harper v. Charles P. Rettig, et al. The district court’s flawed decision would ensure that no matter how many constitutional rights the IRS violates, Americans may not hold the agency…

NCLA’s Suit Forces USDA to Abandon Efforts to Use Guidance to Mandate RFID Eartags for Livestock

Washington, DC (March 23, 2021) – Victory! The New Civil Liberties Alliance is celebrating an important win for America’s ranchers today after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its subagency, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that they will go through a full rule-making process pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)…
Trevor Schakohl
Communications Specialist
Ruslan Moldovanov
Deputy Director of Communications and Marketing