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Scouting SCOTUS

July 5, 2018
In the News
NCLA has taken a hard look at the rumored top contenders to replace Justice Kennedy, using exclusively the criterion of which judge is most likely to adhere to the Constitution’s constraints on the administrative state. Click here to read complete document.  

Comments in Response to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection: Request for Information Regarding Bureau Guidance and Implementation Support

July 2, 2018
In the News
Re: Request for Information Regarding Bureau Guidance and Implementation Support, Docket No. CFPB-2018-0013 NCLA sincerely appreciates this opportunity to provide commentary on the Bureau’s past use of guidance and its invitation for suggestions as to how it can ensure that its future guidance adheres to law. Unfortunately, the Bureau’s past use of guidance has been…

Washington Examiner: SEC Appointments Scandal, by Philip Hamburger

By: Philip Hamburger April 20, 2018
In the News
Written by Philip Hamburger The Securities and Exchange Commission enjoys its prestige because of its important task in regulating the securities markets, and because it is widely assumed that it acts fairly and lawfully in prosecuting and punishing insider traders. But that venerable reputation has come under fire in recent years, and the SEC now…
Joe Martyak
Senior Director of Communications and Marketing
Trevor Schakohl
Communications Specialist