Lawsuit argues Congress unconstitutionally delegated legislative authority to the EPA
“Congress needs to do its job, and not delegate these important sort of life and death decisions for companies to a non-responsive agency,” Zhonette Brown, general counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance, told Just The News.
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) is a nonpartisan nonprofit that seeks to protect constitutional freedoms from violations of the administrative state. It is representing Choice Refrigerants, a small refrigerant manufacturer in Georgia, in its suit against the EPA…
The AIM Act granted the EPA the power to distribute a limited number of allowances for companies to import or manufacture HFCs. However, according to the NCLA, lawmakers didn’t provide the EPA with any guidance as to who should receive the allowances…
Americans For Prosperity (AFP) filed an amicus brief Friday in support of Choice’s arguments in the case.
“The Constitution categorically bars administrative bodies from exercising legislative power,” AFP stated in the brief that the NCLA mailed to Just The News…
January 12, 2024

Originally Published in Just the News